Paul M. Helfrich

Explore the Cutting Edge of Science, Art & Spirit


The Unisystem was a museum-wide interactive computer system designed to mediate between the museum and museum visitor to provide useful information for the general public audience (adults, older children, younger children, and K-12 teachers). It was installed between1989-1991, and consisted of:

  • A 42 computer network, controlled by a 6 minicomputer network
  • 9 Information Stations: showtimes, demonstrations, and visitor services
  • 28 Exhibit Enhancement Stations: overviews, treasure hunts, science tips, and take-home activities
  • 5 Print Stations: for all take-away materials

Information Station

Visitors use a touchscreen and barcode interface.

Check out Demonstration Times

Information Stations are provided at key circulation points. As visitors have access
to information on showtimes, demonstrations, and visitor services.

Explore Future Computers!

Exhibit Enhancement Stations are located in each exhibit area (including traveling
exhibit galleries).

Explore Ancient Astrology

Check out the Math and Astronomy Exhibits.

What’s New?

I have retired from full time teaching at the Westside Waldorf School in Pacific Palisades, CA effective July 1, 2024.

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