The following Publications are available in Adobe PDF:
Seth: The Ultimate Guide, 2010, pending publication.
The Channeling Phenomenon: A Multimethodological Assessment, Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, Volume 4, Number 3, Fall 2009.
The Channeling Phenomenon: A Multimethodological Assessment Appendix 2, Appendix 2 appeared in the original paper (above), but was removed for final publication due to size constraints. It is included here to provide an overview to the subtleties of Wilber’s approach to “spiritual science” (to acknowledge its relationship Rudolf Steiner’s pioneering work in this area).
Integral Psychology: Introduction to Ken Wilber’s Integral Model and its Application to Psychology – a 5 CEU online course co-developed for the Zur Institute with Joyce A. Kovelman, Ph.D., 2009.
Ken Wilber’s AQAL Metatheory: An Overview, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2008.
A NewWorldOverView, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2006.
What is Integral Conscious Creation?, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2005.
Seth on “The Origins of the Universe and of the Species” – An Integral Conscious Creation Myth, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2005.
Who is the “You” in You Create Your Own Reality? The Seth Journal, Vol. 1 no.3, 2004, Vol. 1 no.4, 2004, and Vol. 2 no.1, 2005.
Ken Wilber’s Model of Human Development: An Overview, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2003.
Integral Conscious Creation: Emerging New Worldviews (excerpt), Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2003.
Integral Conscious Creation: Rocket Science for the Soul, The Seth Journal, Vol. 1 no.1, 2003.
Mindscapes, Audio CD, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2003.
Seth’s Laws of the Inner Universe ~ from the Early Sessions, Book 2, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2002.
A Seth, Elias Comparative Overview, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2001.
The Inner Senses – An Introduction & Overview, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2001.
The Emerging NewWorldView – An Introduction and Overview, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 2000.
Seth/Jane Roberts: A Conscious Creation Overview, Wildfire Media, Castaic, CA, 1999.
Science Museums for the 21st Century, Chapter 16; Building Onramps to the Information Superhighway: Designing, Implementing, and Using Local Museum Infrastructure, Press Universitaires dy Lyons, Spring 1997 (Emlyn Koster, Editor).
Building Onramps to the Information Superhighway: Designing, Implementing, and Using Local Museum Infrastructure, Internet Society Conference, June 1995.
Museums Building Onramps to the Information Superhighway, ASTC Newsletter, Winter 1994-5.